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Title: British Menopause Society’s 25th Annual Conference – Menopause: diagnosis and management – preparing for the NICE guidelines
Date: 25-26 June 2015
Venue: Alexandra House, Wroughton, Swindon, Wiltshire
An educational meeting to bring you up to date with the latest on menopause issues and all aspects of post reproductive health. Presented by leading experts form the UK and internationally. Topics include Vulval problems in post-menopausal women; Rethinking the causes of Ovarian Failure; Endometrium and obesity; Outpatient Hysteroscopy for investigating irregular bleeding in the peri-menopause; HRT side effects, risks and practical prescribing; STI’s in older woman and an update on the NICE Guidelines.
Who should attend?
Academics and students; Dieticians; GPs; Gynaecologists; Nutritionists; Pharmacists; Physiotherapists; Practice Nurses; Specialist Nurses and GP & O&G trainees plus those allied to the health profession who have an interest in post reproductive health, from the UK and overseas. This includes senior representatives from the Department of Health, NHS, Charities and Patient Groups involved with Women’s Health.
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