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Call for Abstracts
Information about the ARM
On Friday 22nd November 2024 the Annual Research Meeting of BSUG will be held in the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists on the date above. This year the ARM is an integral part of the Annual Scientific Update meeting.
As always, attendance at the ARM is free-of-charge for BSUG members and their guests. It is not necessary for you to register for the Annual Scientific Update (but we would encourage you do so!).
We will welcome submission of abstracts for presentation at this meeting describing original research or relevant audits. All areas of urogynaecology, urinary and faecal incontinence, or peripartum continence issues are welcome.
Best abstract (£300)
Best oral presentation (£150)
Best poster (£50)
All submissions must be made on the form on the website (below). Complete one form for each abstract if you plan to submit more than one. Please include all required fields and a "blind form" will automatically be generated for refereeing by the panel. The abstracts should be structured as Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions, References and uploaded together with any tables or figures as one PDF document. The abstracts should exclude names and places of hospitals to ensure anonymity. A maximum of 300 words and a maximum of three references will be allowed in the text of the abstract. Abstracts which do not adhere to these requirements will be rejected without scoring. It is important that submitted abstracts contain work which has not been presented at formal speciality meetings before, nor been published in a scientific journal. “Formal speciality meetings” are defined as those where CME credits were available for participants.
For research involving human subjects, details of ethical approval must accompany your submission, and details of the registration of randomised trials must also be submitted.
Abstracts will be subjected to blind competitive peer review by members of the research subcommittee and the top scoring abstracts will be selected for presentation. Details of how the abstracts will be scored can be found here.
Deadline for abstract submission Friday 6th of September 2024 at noon. Late submissions will not be accepted.
If your abstract is selected for an oral presentation you are entitled to attend the BSUG Annual Meeting free-of-charge. We have agreed to offer the 10 oral winners free registration, main presenter only. All remaining accepted abstracts will be offered a poster and will need to pay full registration.
We are keen to receive abstracts where the presenting author (usually the first author) is a trainee who is completing subspecialty training or an ATSM. Trainees must be associate members of BSUG for at least one year prior to submission. Trainees with less than one year’s membership must be working as a research fellow or subspecialty trainee under the direct supervision of a full member of BSUG of at least one year’s standing. No more than TWO submissions will be accepted per presenter at the discretion of the Chair of the Research Committee.
Presented abstracts will be published in the International Urogynecology Journal. If any authors do not wish their abstract to be sent forward to the IUGA Journal they should state this at the time of submission.
Please ensure that you receive an electronic acknowledgement from BSUG that the abstract has been received.