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Helpful organisations
Bladder and Bowel UK
Website: www.bbuk.org.uk
Bladder & Bowel Community
Website: www.bladderandbowel.org
Pelvic Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy (POGP)
Website: www.thepogp.co.uk/
The Cystitis & Overactive Bladder Foundation
Website: www.cobfoundation.org/
The Continence Foundation
Website: www.continence-foundation.org.uk
Education and Resources for Improving Childhood Continence (ERIC)
Website: www.eric.org.uk/
Mothers with Anal Sphincter Injuries in Childbirth (MASIC)
Website: masic.org.uk
Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (RCOG)
Website: www.rcog.org.uk
Women's Health Concern
Confidential Advice, Reassurance and Education
Website: womens-health-concern.org
Continence Information and Resources on Treating Bladder & Bowel Incontinence
Website: www.canadiancontinence.ca/bladder-health
Patient Safety Commissioner
Website: www.patientsafetycommissioner.org.uk/