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Roles of the Committees in 2024
Allied Health Professionals committee
Audit database committee
The audit database committee oversees the management of the BSUG audit database . It works with the developers to ensure and oversee regular maintenance and updates of the database. The Committee is responsible for ensuring that the database remains a vital audit tool for Urogynaecologists to monitor their own outcomes and ensure best practice. The committee produces national audit reports from the database at regular intervals. It is also responsible for providing guidance for members regarding using the database and encouraging them to use it regularly.
Governance committee
Governance committee oversee the process of accreditation and reaccreditation of urogynaecology units. Another job the committee is to update the national standards for accreditation. The committee meets once a year.
Information & Technology committee
The IT committee oversees and manages the information disseminated by BSUG. The two main roles are 1. responsibility for Patient Information, aides for clinicians and information pertaining to Consent and 2. and improvement of the Society's website: aiming to highlight developments and news relevant to the society including work by its members and their accomplishments.
The long term aim is to develop the website to be an interactive source of information to keep patients and clinicians in the UK abreast of Urogynaecological practice, the hot topics and how BSUG can help them.
The committee meets virtually about 3 times and maintains contact through regular emails.
Meetings committee
Committee has a 1 trainee, chair, 5 other consultants.
Purpose of the committee- to arrange the various educational meetings/conferences to address the learning needs and professional development.
Meets twice a year.
Roles: to agree on the agenda of the ASM and to volunteer to organise different educational meetings held throughout the year, moderate/chair sessions, suggest good speakers and topics
Research committee
The Research Committee oversees the research element of BSUG. As a Research Committee member you will have the following responsibilities;
- Overseeing Grant and Research Applications in the BSUG Research network
- Scoring Abstracts for the Annual Research Meeting (ARM)
- Scoring BSUG Grant proposals
- Approving requests for surveys using the BSUG Database and membership proposals
- The committee meets 2 times a year (virtually).
Trainees committee
Training committee
The committee meets (now mostly virtually) approx 3 times a year. Most work is done via emails. The committees role is to support training of consultants and trainees, including oversight of the BSUG Surgical mentorship Scheme. The Committee works with the RCOG education committees and chairs and leads on the RCOG/BSUG Urodynamics course