
Mesh page: The British Society of Urogynaecology (BSUG)
Accreditation: The British Society of Urogynaecology (BSUG)
MHRA: The British Society of Urogynaecology (BSUG)

The Clinical Governance committee is involved in all aspects of Governance in Urogynaecology, setting standards and commenting on documents from the RCOG, NICE and also the DoH on a regular basis.

The main work recently has been in developing and implementing the Accreditation of Units for BSUG, which requires the committee to score the application files from units around the country, using a standardised scoring system, following which a visit by 2 assessors is arranged. The document which describes this process can be accessed on the website and any queries may be directed to the Chair.

We have also developed a raft of information leaflets which cover all the continence procedures and prolapse surgeries in order to help standardise the information given to patients and help members with accreditation. However this role is now handed over to the Information committee. We will have a repository of useful evidence such as MDT proforma, audit templates, history sheet , consent forms etc. which BSUG members can use for the purpose of collecting evidence for their own accreditation application.

Finally, the Governance committee meet regularly either in person or via teleconferences in order to discuss any aspects where an opinion on governance is required and may also be asked for a Medico-legal opinion, if members have been trained in expert report writing.
We are happy to accept new members who wish to take an active role in the committee, either in document preparation or in carrying out accreditation visits. All committee members are happy to be informal mentors for any unit preparing for accreditation and are happy to be contacted for advice.

For further information please contact us here.

For Terms of Reference click here

Mr Madhu Chendrimada

Miss Monika Vij
Vice Chair
Miss Uma Bathula
Miss Kirsty Brown

Mr Adeyemi Coker
Queens University Hospital Romford

Mr Ian Currie
Buckinghamshire hospitals NHS Trust
Miss Anu Dua
Miss Nivedita Gauthaman

Mr Chu Lim

Miss Roopa Nair
Miss Smita Rajshekhar
Miss Zainab Al-Jawahiri
Roopali Karmarkar


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