BSUG Membership

The aims of the British Society of Urogynaecology (BSUG) are to set and raise standards in Urogynaecology and to update members on the advances in the speciality. BSUG works closely with the RCOG where our Secretariat is located. We collaborate with other organisations including the International Urogynecology Association (IUGA) and the British Association of Urological Surgeons(BAUS). Representatives of Specialist Societies meet with College Officers twice a year to discuss areas of mutual interest. In our case, the Chairman and Honorary Secretary represent BSUG. BSUG organise several different meetings.

These are the Annual Scientific Meeting incorporating the Annual Research Meeting; a yearly Urodynamics Course; a Surgical Masterclass and a Pelvic Trauma Meeting the latter two courses held once every two years. The Research Meeting is free to members of the Society. BSUG has a General Committee and seven sub-committees. Members are encouraged to apply to join any of the sub-committees i.e. Governance, Audit Database, IT, Training, Information, Meetings and Research. BSUG is also represented by our Associate representative at career fairs and medical student events hosted by the RCOG.

For summary of the different membership categories and benefits, please see here

Who is eligible to join the society?
Any healthcare professional dealing with any pelvic floor conditions.

Who is eligible for Full Membership?

Any consultant gynaecologist in the UK or Republic of Ireland may become a member of BSUG by payment of the annual subscription fees.

Who is eligible for Associate Membership?
An 'Associate member' is a specialist registrar or other non-consultant grade

What is an Emeritus Membership?

A full or an associate member who ceases to satisfy the requirements of membership solely by reason of retirement from clinical or academic practice shall be reclassified as an Emeritus member.

What is an Urologist Membership?
Any consultant urologist in the UK or Republic of Ireland may become a member of BSUG by payment of the annual subscription fees

What is an International Membership?
Any consultant gynaecologist, based outside the UK who is on the GMC on register.

What is an Allied Health Professional Membership?
Any non-medical healthcare professional, such physiotherapists or nurses who are dealing with any pelvic floor conditions.

Benefits of Joining

Affiliate membership of IUGA & EUGA
BSUG is affiliated to IUGA and EUGA. Full BSUG members (ie consultant members) can choose to either the BSUG only membership option or Full BSUG plus IUGA and EUGA; full members who choose this option receive an electronic copy of the International Urogynaecology Journal every month and have a discounted rate when registering for IUGA meetings.

There is only one associate membership option which gives affiliate membership of IUGA; associate members receive an electronic copy of the International Urogynaecology Journal.

Access to BSUG database

The BSUG surgical audit database has been produced for full members to record their cases and outcomes for incontinence and prolapse surgery. This is free to BSUG members and should be helpful for appraisal, revalidation and applying for clinical excellence awards.

Citations for Awards

The Society is keen to provide citations for members who wish to apply for national awards. Applications are assessed by a committee and citations written for those selected.

Research Benefits

At times, industry research grants have been available and awarded to successful applicants. Where appropriate, access to the BSUG database may be made available, via formal representation to the research committee.

Committee Elections
Elections for Committee Members and Officers shall be held at the Annual General Meeting. Full members may submit nominations for committee members and these should be submitted a week prior to the AGM.

BSUG Surgical Mentorship Scheme
Consultant members can apply to join the Mentorship scheme. This scheme is designed to guide training in surgical procedures currently subject to high vigilance scrutiny in the NHS. The scheme includes non-mesh continence surgery (namely colposuspension and/or autologous fascial sling) and vault prolapse support through the placement of abdominal mesh (sacrocolpopexy). It has been supported by the EQAC (Education Quality Assurance Committee) of the RCOG.

It is intended to be completed by consultant gynaecologists who are members of BSUG and who wish to (re)introduce one or more of these procedures into their practice for primary stress urinary incontinence or incontinence. The scheme is also open to consultant Urologists who are members of BAUS and wish to train in non-mesh continence surgery.

Research Network
Consultant members can to apply to join the Research Network. The development of a Research Network for BSUG will ensure that we continue to raise the standards of research into pelvic floor health to improve the lives of women.

Other Benefits:
Guidelines and validated questionnaires pertaining to Urogynaecology are accessible through the BSUG website.
Members wishing to discuss interesting cases will be able to post their clinical cases via the secretariat for online discussion.
The education committee will update the website about ATSM’s, Courses and any changes related to SpR and Subspecialty training which is of immense value to the regional and national trainees.

Full Members can place adverts for courses that they are organising provided they are vetted by the executive website committee.

Trainee member benefits

  • Associate database -Trainee members are able to enter data from their operations in this database.
  • Affiliate membership of IUGA - This includes the electronic copy of the IUJ.
  • Regular BSUG teaching webinars
  • Trainee whatsapp group
  • Associates day

Bursaries are offered at the discretion of the BSUG committee; when they are available these will be advertised to trainees and could include

  • Bursaries for Trainees cost to attend BSUG training courses
  • Bursaries Trainees cost to attend ASU
  • Travel Bursary scheme to visit an urogynaecology unit for professional experience and development
  • Travel Bursary to attend to a national/international conference ongoing

Allied Health Professional benefits

  • Associate database
  • Webinars
  • AHP Whatsapp group
  • Education
  • Professional Development
  • Networking
  • Discount ASU
  • Research Benefits 

Termination of Membership

If any member has failed to pay his/her subscription after 3 months despite requests from the Treasurer, membership will be suspended. An individual may terminate his/her membership of the Society by logging onto their membership record and selecting ‘cancel’ or by emailing Any Member who terminates his/her membership prior to the renewal date shall not be entitled to a refund of their subscription. Termination will lead to loss of the benefits of membership.

To Join BSUG - Please click HERE
Please read the BSUG Constitution before making your application.

Membership fees 2024

For Consultants

Full - BSUG plus IUGA and EUGA (with affiliate membership of EUGA and IUGA including electronic copy of IUJ) £215
Full - BSUG Only membership £130
BSUG International - this is for those based outside the UK who are on the GMC register, this options doesn’t include EUGA and IUGA £130

For Associate / Trainee Members

Associate - with affiliate membership of IUGA including electronic copy of IUJ £80

For Allied Health Professionals

Non-medical healthcare professional £60
Non-medical healthcare professional plus IUGA £80


Urologists £80 (please note, Urologist associate members do not get affiliate membership of IUGA)

For Emeritus Members

Emeritus - BSUG membership only £80
BSUG only accepts membership fees via the BSUG website.
Please note, if members make an overpayment it is their responsibility to contact the BSUG office for a refund. An admin fee is charged for refunds. For more information on overpayments and refunds, please see here

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