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4th November 2015
Register for the Pre-Congress Interactive Masterclass on 4th November 2015 to watch live-link pelvic clearance surgery for endometrial cancer (PMMR, peritoneal mesometrial resection, compartment based surgery), sacrocolpopexy for vaginal prolapse and surgical treatment of endometriosis. Learn approaches for careful pelvic dissection and demonstration of pelvic anatomical planes. Practice laparoscopic and simulated robotic suturing. Substantial opportunity exists for “one-on-one” discussion with faculty and important aspects illustrated with surgical videos. The objective of the Masterclass is to provide an opportunity for gynaecologists, trainees and nurses to advance their knowledge in gynaecological surgery and role of robotic assistance. Visiting Surgeons: Professor Rainer Kimmig and Mr Peter Barton Smith.
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