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The first annual BSUG Associate member's day, will be held at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, South Yorks on March 22nd 2019. This is a day of urogynaecology and pelvic floor focussed talks aimed at core, ATSM and subspecialty trainees in Urogynaecology. Specially doctors will also be most welcome to attend.
Fifteen nationally renowned speakers, who are leading experts in their field, from around the UK will be speaking at the event. Topics covered include non-mesh management of stress urinary incontinence, recurrent UTI, advanced pharmacological management of overactive bladder, management of anal incontinence and neurourology. There will also be a wet lab for you to get hands on experience with using non-particulate bulking agents.
Attendance to the day (including lunch and refreshments) will be FREE for BSUG associate members. To register for this event and get your ticket click the link here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/bsug-associate-members-day-2019-tickets-50639264403
There will also be a dinner on the eve of the meeting on Thursday March 21st for those travelling the day before or who live nearby. This will be held at The York in Sheffield. The dinner is free to attend and is sponsored by Contura. Please click the following link to register for the evening meal: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/bsug-associate-members-dinner-sponsored-by-contura-tickets-52003332367
Non-BSUG members are welcome to attend the meeting, and the cost is £60- the same price as associate membership of BSUG. Please email Thomas.Gray@doctors.org.uk to book a paid place.
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