Prize winners!

3rd December 2019


 First place with a £50 prize was awarded to Dr Georgina Baines for her work on women's preference for management of recurrent urinary tract infections.


Second place was awarded to Dr Bahei Desouki for his retrospective cohort study on the two year outcomes of outpatient Bulkamid.


There were two joint third place winners - Dr Gemma Nightingale for reporting the long term safety and efficacy of laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy and sacrohysteropexy, and Dr Sheela Swamy for her survey describing the impact of the UK mesh suspension on the surgical management of women with SUI.



First place with a £300 prize was awarded to Dr Gemma Nightingale for her work on the effect of pilates based movements on pelvic floor electromyographic (EMG) activity: a pilot study. 


Second place with a £100 prize was awarded to Dr Thomas Gray for his study investigating the association between recurrent urinary tract infections, anal incontinence and bowel evacuation problems.


Third place with a £50 prize was awarded to Dr Visha Taylor for her retrospective study evaluating whether rigid versus flexible cystoscopy affects investigation for bladder pain syndrome.


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