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The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) is delighted to inform you that there are two more weeks for your members to secure early bird tickets for the RCOG World Congress 2022.
This year’s Congress is the premier global event covering the entire spectrum of women’s healthcare and provides a unique, cutting-edge scientific programme with world-class international speakers.
We are pleased that this year will be our first ever hybrid Congress, with a 350 in-person event running alongside an interactive virtual platform, offering delegates the best of both worlds. All content on the virtual platform can be accessed by delegates no matter their location, and can be re-visited for six months post-event, making the event excellent value for money.
More information can be found here: rcog.org.uk/congress2022.
Purchase a virtual registration for RCOG World Congress 2022 before Monday 25 April 2022 and you will be entered into a prize draw to win 1 of 2 free virtual registrations for this year’s event. All virtual registrants to date for RCOG World Congress 2022 will also be included in the prize draw. The winners will be notified by Friday 2 May 2022.
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